Horse Training

At Cowling Hill Farm we offer a range of horse training services, including backing, schooling and re-educating remedial horses and ponies.

The methods we use have been gathered from many years of experience, learning from various trainers and horses. This enables us to provide the best tailored training for you and your horse.

Your horse may not be a 'problem' horse, but you may have a few quirks that you would like ironing out, enabling you to enjoy the time you spend together.

We specialise in the backing of young horses as well as untouched horses and ponies to create a willing, confident partnership for you to enjoy.

Backing Horses

The first stages of a ridden career are an important time in this new partnership with your horse. By using the right methods and communication this need not be stressful or frightening for either of you.

Instead this is an opportunity to gain a solid foundation for a successful ridden career.

With the correct communication the process of tacking up to riding for the first time may take as little as 45 minutes. However, the horse dictates the speed and is never rushed. Only when the horse is calm and responsive do we move on to the next step. As an average guide the backing and schooling takes between four and six weeks.

During the process we will not only aim to have the horse happy in walk, trot and canter but will also introduce bomb proofing, loading, hacking out (alone, in company and around traffic) as well as introducing jumping or basic western schooling dependant on your chosen discipline.

We encourage owners to come and join in with the training as much as possible, meaning you can learn the techniques and learn to communicate effectively with your horse when you get him home.

Remedial Horses

A horse will naturally follow its instincts especially when scared, in pain or expecting pain. Unfortunately for us this can cause problems when we want to ride and work with them.

We will work with you and your horse to help both overcome whatever problems you are having and gain confidence again. Whether it is loading, napping, bucking, rearing or bolting, we will equip you with specific, often subtle techniques, which will transform this confusing, frustrating situation into a happy one again.

Our aim is to build up your horse's trust and confidence using their own language - listen to their every response no matter how small and act accordingly.